NCHH Privacy Policy

What Do We Collect?
NCHH is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. To enhance your experience on our Web site and to gather some information about the kind of customers using the NCHH site, we occasionally ask for information about you. Below, you'll find descriptions of the instances when the Web site requests or requires information from you and how this will benefit you.

Email Alerts and Notifications
You have the opportunity to receive NCHH’s Healthy Housing Connections quarterly e-newsletter , email alerts and notifications about new content on the Web site, and other important news and information. If you opt in to this service, we'll need to know your email address. As with all information we collect from you, we will never sell or give away this information to anyone without your prior consent.

We ask for your e-mail address when you submit a question. This allows us to contact you if we need clarifying information from you to answer your query. We may also request geographical information, such as your city, county, and/or state, in order to research laws or or codes in your area or refer you to services near you.

Recommended Content
There are opportunities on the Web site for you to receive recommendations of content. All we need to know for this service is information about the topics for which you would like to receive recommendations.

User Feedback
When you fill out one of our online feedback forms, you have the option to let us know who you are. The more information you supply in conjunction with your feedback, the more useful that feedback is to us.

NCHH will not give away or sell any information it collects on our Web site. We do reserve the right to release information you've submitted when law requires such release.

Cookies are small files stored on the hard drive of your computer. These files only identify your computer to our Web site. This enables the Web site to recognize you when you return to the site so that it can remember your preferences and personal settings.

Links to Other Sites
This site contains links to other sites. NCHH is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

Our Use of Information
By providing information about yourself or your organization on our Web site, you are giving consent for NCHH to use this information internally. We reserve the right to change our policy. If our policy should change regarding the use of this information, it will be posted in this privacy statement.

Changes to Your Information
If at any time you need to makes changes to the information you have supplied for your Healthy Housing Connections subscription, you may do so on the e-newsletter screen. Additionally, please feel free to contact Christopher Bloom at or 410.992.0712.

Protecting Personal Information
NCHH does not collect sensitive information via our Web site. All donations are processed by Network for Good. Network for Good uses industry-leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to keep your personal information as secure as possible and protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Network for Good helps to protect your information by working with partners that provide a secure and safe environment for credit card donations. All information is stored in a secure database. Their full privacy and security statement can be found here

NCHH collects basic name, e-mail, and address information for events and meetings. That data is stored in a database that is available only to NCHH employees internally.

NCHH will not sell or rent any of your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.
